The BOA Plan will provide an in-depth and thorough description and analysis of existing conditions, opportunities, and reuse potential for properties located in the proposed Brownfield Opportunity Area (BOA) with an emphasis on the identification and reuse potential of strategic sites that are catalysts for revitalization and culminate in designation of the area by the Secretary of State. Key project objectives include: • Identifying and providing a clear description and justification of a manageable study area and associated boundaries. • Establishing a community and stakeholder participation process. • Developing a clear community vision and associated goals and objectives for the study area. • Completing a comprehensive land use assessment and analysis of existing conditions in the study area, including an economic and market trends analysis, to determine the range of realistic future uses and types of redevelopment projects to revitalize the study area. • Identifying strategic sites that represent key redevelopment opportunities and fully examining their redevelopment potential. • Based on the analysis, a description of key findings and recommendations for future uses and other actions for redevelopment and community revitalization. • Providing a series of key recommendations to serve as the basis for project implementation. • Submission of a BOA designation package for approval and official designation by the Secretary of State.