The project includes a full renovation of the 2nd and 3rd Floors of Kinzelberg Hall (approximately 12,385 SF). Both formal lab space and circulation/corridors will be revitalized to provide flexible research spaces for new faculty hires. The project will also focus on implementing a control area strategy that is cohesive, and provides a compliant, safe, and flexible arrangement of areas that can react to future chemical usage/needs and maximizes chemical use quantities. The project is planned to be constructed in two phases: The first phase will involve the third floor renovation in Kinzelberg and is scheduled to occur from October 2024 to May 2025. The second floor will remain occupied and operational during this phase. Upon the completion of construction on the third floor, the occupants on the second floor will be moved into the newly constructed labs on the third floor. The second phase will involve the second floor renovation and begin upon completion of the moving out/relocation of the second-floor occupants to the third floor.