Scope of Services: The purpose of this Request for Proposal (“RFP”) is to acquire a Predictive Analytics Platform for the Enrollment Management offices. Each proposal shall be with the understanding that, at a minimum, the successful bidder will be required to provide the services identified below, observing all applicable federal, state and local laws: 1. The vendor acknowledges all university data, including backup and archived, and implementation professional services will only be stored in datacenter within the continental United States. 2. Proposal must be a hosted solution that includes support, maintenance and upgrades. 3. Solution must be able to integrate with our system for a single sign on. 4. Solution must integrate with Slate and Blackbaud. 5. Vendor must provide a secure data transfer process that has two-way automation capabilities. 6. Vendor must ensure individual-level data remains anonymous and secure and is not used in processing and/or modeling of other vendor partners.