Specifications include, but are not limited to: The New York State (NYS) Office of General Services (OGS) Digital and Media Services Center (DMSC) provides creative services, marketing, web/social media/graphic design, video production, and transmission services to support the various needs of 109 NYS agencies Statewide. The DMSC operates a licensed satellite communications facility located at 300 Patroon Creek Blvd., Albany, New York 12206. Television signals are transmitted from the uplink site for distribution to television stations throughout New York State in support of communications, training, public information, Executive Chamber events, and the Gaming Commission. In addition, NYS Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services (DHSES). utilizes two-way satellite bandwidth for the transmission of voice and data emergency communications to maintain emergency communications capabilities statewide. These services require the availability of 18 MHz of contiguous satellite bandwidth to complete the link between NYS agencies and the many distribution locations serviced within NYS. Bandwidth Requirements 2.2.1 18 MHz Contiguous, Non-Pre-emptible Bandwidth A. 12 MHz contiguous, non-pre-emptible bandwidth, for DHSES to provide service to Ground Stations and Mobile platforms. 1. Mobile platform carriers shall be reconfigurable per DHSES predetermined bandwidth configurations. See attached Configuration requirements, attached as Attachment 2. Plan B indicates the current configuration, however, Plan A indicates the desired configuration for this Contract, with Plan B becoming an additional possible configuration. B. 6 MHz contiguous, non-pre-emptible bandwidth, for traditional television SCPC digital feeds (NY Lottery, Governor’s Press Feeds, Satellite Media Tours, DMSC Uplink Truck operations). TV Service using 6 MHz at FEC=3/4.