Specifications include, but are not limited to: 1. Proposer must be able to accept online and/or payments over the phone and must offer 24/7/365 support to customers who are experiencing difficulty. 2. Adherence to Payment Card Industry (“PCI”) standards is required. All customers’ debit/credit card and/or bank information must be obtained and processed through the Proposer without imposing any PCI compliance responsibility on the Authority. Proposer shall include acknowledgement of responsibility for the security of this data. 3. The payment process must function with seamless navigation to and from the Authority’s customer portal, including timely updates and notifications of any payments made and minimal sign-up and/or log-in steps for customers. Customers shall only have to log-in once when entering the customer portal without having to log-in again after transferring to the third-party site. 4. A phone number must be provided for Authority customers to be able to pay over the phone through an Integrated Voice Response (IVR) system. Additionally, Authority representatives must be able to transfer customer calls to the IVR system for payment. 5. Proposer shall accept ACH, VISA, MasterCard and Discover for all customers. 6. The Authority does not currently have a kiosk on site. Proposals should include options for the Authority to possibly add at a future date a kiosk on site for processing walk in customer payments. 7. Please indicate if it would be possible to accept one time, occasional online and/or phone payments for items other than water bills, such as new services and/or temporary hydrant meter sets. Further indicate how this process would work and what fee would be charged. 8. Proposer shall send a daily transmission of all items processed to the Authority by 4:00 p.m. ET Monday through Friday. The daily transmission file should contain transactional data from 12:00am to 11:59pm. 9. Proposer shall deposit funds into the Authority’s account no later than the next business day. Funds deposited should equal the amount of the file sent to the Authority. All funds will be for gross settlement, and charging all discounts and interchange fees in a separate monthly bill. 10. Discuss your firm’s ability to perform online reconciliation and research transactions. Please describe your online portal to view real-time payments. 11. Proposer shall transfer funds to the Authority’s designated bank account. 12. Please provide options for any credit card reoccurring payment and ACH/bank account reoccurring payment (autopay) programs available to the Authority.