Specifications include, but are not limited to: The Town of Dryden seeks to enter into an agreement with a qualified consultant who demonstrates the ability and proven experience in creating and revising municipal land use ordinances and guidelines to meet comprehensive planning principles and best practices. Dryden's existing zoning ordinance was created following the town's 1968 General Plan and was amended following the 2005 Comprehensive Plan. Given the age of the ordinance and significant new principles for regulating land use, as defined in the recently adopted Dryden2045 Comprehensive Plan Update, town leadership recognizes the need for a thorough review and update to current regulations. The revised ordinance must encourage desired development, be easily understood by the public, and efficiently enforced by the town. The purpose of Phase 1 of the Update is for the consultant to develop an understanding of Dryden's comprehensive planning goals and land use ordinances and make recommendations to bring the ordinances into alignment with the goals and with contemporary best practices for land use regulation. The subsequent Phase 2 will include public outreach and drafting and enactment of revised land use codes.