Statement of Purpose
The City of Jacksonville proposes to enter into a public/private partnership with qualified builders for the development of single-family homes in the City of Jacksonville, NC. The single-family homes will be constructed utilizing a unified development theme. This project is part of the City of Jacksonville’s Neighborhood Housing Initiative
The City desires to build owner occupied units with home sizes varying from 950 to 1300 square feet in size similar to existing homes located on the block of Court, Poplar, Ford, and Newberry Streets, and sample floor plans included in this request. Under the public/private partnership, the City will provide the lots, with the builders providing the homes as speculative development homes. Homeowners must secure private financing for a 30 year fixed rate loan through conventional lending institutions as the first mortgage position on the homes.
The City of Jacksonville will hold a mortgage on the lot with the mortgage being forgiven over a 10-year period, provided the homeowner meet all conditions of the loan requirements.
Participating builders can secure their own construction financing or utilize the City of Jacksonville purchase order for reimbursement, if available, with all homes meeting minimum specifications as established by the City of Jacksonville in the builder’s agreement – Exhibit A.
The purpose of this RFQ is to encourage and solicit local builders to participate in this public/private partnership and help the City of Jacksonville meet its goals for quality housing for all of its citizens.
Required Proposal Information
Builders must submit a completed qualification’s package including all required support documentation as noted. One copy of each package should be submitted to the Community Development Division at the address below no later than 4:00 PM Monday, March 3, 2025. Qualifications must be received by the deadline to be considered.
The Neighborhood Improvement Services Department is located at 815 New Bridge Street, PO Box 128, Jacksonville, NC 28541-0128. All communication should be directed to Tracy L. Jackson, Director of Neighborhood Improvement Services at 910-938-5269 or by email at
Proposed Schedule
February 13, 2025 RFQ Released
March 3, 2025 Due date for Builder Qualifications
March 6, 2025 Evaluation committee meeting
April 1, 2025 Start Construction
The City reserves the right to modify the above schedule as best meets its needs.
City's Right to Reject
The City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals received as a result of this Request for Qualification, or to negotiate issues so as to best serve the interest of the City of Jacksonville.
For full details, please see attached RFQ. RFQ prevails over Bidnet posting.