Specifications include, but are not limited to: • Consulting on project scope and schedule with Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources staff, as well as other departments, where needed. • Reviewing existing documents, plans, studies and policies, and other pertinent information regarding arts programming produced by Raleigh’s arts community and by the City. • Working closely with City staff to design, lead and facilitate an equitable and inclusive Community Engagement Plan that engages stakeholders in substantive and creative ways. An inclusive and meaningful engagement process recognizes that those who are affected by decisions have a right to be involved in the decisionmaking process and ensures that City strategic and long-range plans are shaped by the people they are intended to serve. • Working collaboratively and productively with a variety of stakeholders, including City staff, project steering committee, boards and commissions, and other constituent groups. • Attending meetings, as needed and required, with City staff and other applicable groups and prepare meeting summaries. • Preparing presentation documents and material in formats suitable for public meetings and other public participation formats that incorporate communications and design best practices for people with disabilities. • Developing draft written report and/or plan documents as specified for each project phase. They should include text and visuals as needed and incorporate communications best practices for people with disabilities. • Incorporating document revisions after review by City staff and presentations to the Raleigh Arts Commission, Public Art & Design Board, and other advisory and key stakeholder groups. • Preparing final report and/or plan documents for publication and distribution, including graphic design elements and incorporate communications and design best practices for people with disabilities.