Specifications include, but are not limited to: OCS now seeks competitive written proposals from local and national vendors qualified and experienced in administering assessments in English Language Arts, and Mathematics Grades 3-8, Science Grades 5 and 8, Math I, Math III, Biology and English II. The purpose of this RFP is to solicit proposals from eligible vendors that will assist the district in the development and administration of its summative and formative assessment programs in ELA and Mathematics, for both the Grade 3-8, Science Grades 5 and 8, Math I and Math III, Biology and English II. These tests will be based on the North Carolina Standards and Frameworks and must be fully aligned to them. OCS is requesting that each interested vendor prepare a response to this proposal. In preparation for a locally aligned assessment, all training and materials must be aligned to the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. Professional development provided to teachers must be ongoing and provide tools needed to prepare all students for state mandated tests, high school completion, and post-secondary education.