Specifications include, but are not limited to: The Contractor shall supply, without claims for additional compensation, all equipment, parts, or miscellaneous items not specifically mentioned in the specification or shown on the corresponding documents, that is necessary for, or reasonably incidental to, the complete and proper execution of the operation of the campus bookstore. The Contractor will provide all required and recommended texts in a timely manner and insufficient quantities to meet projected enrollment demands. Contract Manager is highly encouraged to meet with all Academic Administrative Associates on a semester basis to help coordinate and generate solid working relationships to ensure their assistance in the textbook adoption process. The Contractor will facilitate the use of an all-exclusive textbook rental program. Vendor shall continue and expand the existing Textbook Rental Program or provide an equivalent or improved textbook rental/loan program. Vendor shall never offer fewer rental titles than the active number at the time of the bookstore services transition. The Contractor will manage a process for obtaining text information from faculty, which is easy to follow, requires minimum amount of faculty effort, and provides sufficient time to select and order texts. Contractor will provide an electronic ordering system to enable students to purchase books and materials online, including the option of textbook pre-pack, which would allow students to have books packaged and waiting for them when they arrive for classes. Contractor must ensure that its electronic ordering system is fully accessible to individuals with disabilities. The Contractor will provide timely response to special order literature and other instructional materials. The contractor will comply with any logo licensing agreement as entered into by ECSU. Currently the University has a contract with a licensing group to ensure University logo compliance. The contractor will only be allowed to purchase goods bearing the university marks from the approved licensed vendors.