3.0 Scope of Work The Town of Chapel Hill has been awarded a planning grant through the USDOT-FHWA Rebuilding America’s Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) program to complete a feasibility study for a comprehensive and connected network of transportation greenways in Chapel Hill. The high-quality feasibility study is expected to take a systems approach and should include considerations and constraints (planning, natural/environmental, human), alternatives development and evaluation, robust community engagement, alignment recommendations, implementation strategies, cost estimates, and adoption of a final plan. The final plan is expected to provide sufficient detail for a 15% design of each identified greenway segment. The project area is defined as the entirety of Chapel Hill’s city limits, which encompasses approximately 21.2 square miles. 3.1. Project Management and Administration The chosen Consultant shall designate a Project Manager who, in coordination with the Town’s staff lead, will perform needed duties to ensure a successful planning process. This may include: • Facilitate the organization and function of a Project Team that meets regularly and includes Consultant and Town staff as well as other relevant stakeholders. • Create a Work Plan or Project Plan that includes all project tasks and deliverables with a schedule for completion. Project Manager will be responsible for maintaining the schedule and keeping the project on track. 3.2. Community Engagement The Consultant will be expected to work with and complement the Town’s existing capacity and experience to conduct equitable community engagement that will build on previous and ongoing efforts and go beyond the typical opt-in approach to specifically reach underserved and underrepresented communities across the Town. This may include: • Creation of an Equitable Engagement Plan that considers strategies outlined in USDOT’s Promising Practices for Meaningful Public Involvement in Transportation DecisionMaking Guide • Coordination with appropriate Town staff to collaborate with community organizations, especially those representing underserved and historically disadvantaged groups. • Creation of varied formats, platforms, and strategies of outreach and engagement, including a project website, that provides avenues that are accessible to all residents to participate.