Specifications include, but are not limited to: A. Assure all sales and services provided under this Contract begin and end in the designated areas of Jockey’s Ridge State Park that are specified in this agreement. The concession sales/registration office, classroom and maintenance shop activities shall be located in the building known as the concession building at Jockey’s Ridge State Park. Upon written approval from the Park Superintendent, this building may be modified to more closely fit the operational mission of the Vendor. The dune and any other outside hang-gliding instructional areas and the hang glider staging area are designated as provided below in Paragraphs C and D. B. Provide the following Hours of Operation: Hang gliding and kite flying will be permitted from the normal time the Park opens until one (1) hour before the stated closing time for the Park; seven (7) days a week. The concession building will be covered at approved times by Park Superintendent. Notification and changes in schedule must be approved by Park Superintendent. All classes are to cease one (1) hour before the Park closes. All hang gliding and kite flying equipment and materials must be returned to the staging area or concession building not later than thirty (30) minutes prior to the closing hours for the Park. If, for any reason, the Park staff determines a suspension in hang gliding and kite flying operations is necessitated, the park siren will be sounded by Park management. All flight activities will be prohibited until the suspension is lifted by Park management. C. Use the designated launch areas as follows: hang gliding and kite flying lessons within the Park shall take place on the slopes as agreed upon by Park Superintendent. It is the responsibility of the Vendor to avoid hang gliding students being over flown by gliders that are launched from a point higher in elevation. The Vendor shall avoid over flight of pedestrians by preventing any launching of students when there are any pedestrians below the flight path. Park staff may, at their discretion, temporarily or permanently approve or deny the use of slopes to be utilized by the Vendor for hang gliding to accommodate the shifting sands, avoiding hiking routes or for any other purpose. Once a launch area has been selected for a class, the Vendor shall designate it by the temporary installation of Park management approved flags and cones or other agreed upon materials which effectively designate the areas being used for hang gliding and kite flying. The Park Superintendent must approve the method being used to designate such areas. Spectators will be discouraged from entering this area. Following a day’s activities, all control equipment will be removed and stored off site from the designated hang gliding zones and stored in an approved location in the Park.