1. Oversee ADA Self-Evaluation • The Consultant shall assist the Village in developing the procedure and forms needed to conduct a Self-Evaluation of the Village’s programs, activities, and services for ADA requirement compliance. • The Consultant shall compile the final Self Evaluation Report. 2. Conduct a Facilities Survey and Barrier Assessment – Conduct surveys with field reviews of all public buildings and sites listed in Section 4.1 that provide programs, services, or activities to the public. The surveys will identify physical barriers in each facility that limit accessibility, compare each facility that limits accessibility, and compare each facility to Chapter 11 of the North Carolina State Building Code and the Federal ADA Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG). • Facility Reports—Develop reports for each site and building, identifying items limiting physical access to public areas where programs, services, or activities occur for individuals with disabilities. The report should include feasible solutions, cost estimates for removing each barrier, and the project's priority level. • Public Right-of-Way – Survey the inventory of crosswalks, pathways, sidewalks, and curb ramps within the public right-of-way for ADA compliance within the Village of Clemmons’s Corporate limits. The report should include feasible solutions, cost estimates for removing each barrier, and the project's priority level. • Facility Diagrams and Inventory—The Consultant shall produce Facility Diagrams of public buildings and exteriors for use in the ADA Transition Plan. The drawings should note the location of architectural barriers. 3. Prepare Comprehensive ADA Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan – The Consultant shall develop the comprehensive ADA Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan for Buildings, Facilities, and Public Right-of-Ways based upon guidance from Village staff and public input. The same level of detail presented in the Barrier Assessment shall be provided in the Ada Transition Plan reports as a minimum requirement. The ADA Transition Plan shall include, but is not limited to, the following components: • Methodology for evaluation of barriers and prioritization of barrier remediation. • A summary of costs for remediation. • Implementation schedule with prioritization. • Prioritization recommendation for barrier removal. • Procedures and forms for monitoring implementation. • Procedures and forms for performing evaluations of additional barriers. • Procedures and forms for filing Requests for Accommodations. • Standard drawings for remediation methods. • Prepare and present findings for Management and Council as requested to clarify information and develop an action plan.