Please review the NSN, item listed below, and provide us with any sources that are able to manufacturer this item. Please also provide the location of the manufacturer (City and state OR Country as applicable). Please also provide POCs for these manufacturers if available. Please submit the information to Jessica Ramsey at Thank you in advance for your assistance.
NSN 4820011578745
This item is being procured in accordance with:
Approved source: Meggitt (79318) Part Number: 240355-4.
Should a company wish to be reviewed and qualified as an "Approved Source", they may submit an application package through the DLA Land and Maritime Alternate Offer / Source Approval Request (SAR) Program. A SAR package contains all technical data needed to demonstrate that the prospective contractor can competently manufacture the product to the same level of quality or better than the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM). The onus is on the contractor to document and demonstrate their product is equal to, or better, than the currently approved item which DLA Land and Maritime is procuring. Offerors should complete and submit their Alternate Offer (with SAR package) to the Contracting Officer listed in the Solicitation. For further information, please reference the DLA Land and Maritime web page at:
Click on the highlight Alternate Offer/Source Approval Program for a detailed explanation for the information and format necessary for a SAR and for the SAR approval process. Offers not cited as an approved source are required to obtain source approval prior to award. The contractor must submit a Source Approval Request (SAR) PKG to DLA for evaluation. All required information must be provided. Any available drawings can be accessed along with the solicitation once it is issued. NO DATA IS AVAILABLE. THE ALTERNATE OFFEROR IS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE A COMPLETE DATA PACKAGE INCLUDING DATA FOR THE APPROVED AND ALTERNATE PART FOR EVALUATION.