Replace existing six (6) 300 foot runs of 37-conductor #14 AWG cables and one (1) 25-pair of #22 AWG fixed signal cables starting from the existing signal case on the fender of the bridge up through the bottom of the bridge bull ring to terminate in the first of two NEMA Type IP67/68 terminal enclosure. From the first enclosure, chain flex cables will then be broken down into nine cable runs of 25-conductor #14 AWG and seven cable runs of eight-pair of #22 AWG to run from the first enclosure through a rotary cable carrier/cable tray tracking system design to the second termination enclosure. From the second NEMA Type IP67/68 termination enclosure, six (6) 37-conductor #14 AWG cables and one 25-pair of #22 AWG fixed signal cables will run to the bridge control house on top of the bridge structure. The communication cable will have an additional six (6) pairs of #22 AWG and on the signal cable we will have three additional #14 AWG with room for expansion if needed. All movement will take place in the cable tray. There will be no movement of the fixed cable outside of the cable tray/Termination Enclosure system. All wiring and wire tags in the enclosures and the cable tray system will comply with Amtrak wiring and tag standards.