Amendment 0001 issued to 73351023Q0307 for the following:
1) Respond to questions received:
Q: The tentative launch date for the WordPress Theme Modernization (Digital Product)
A: This changes the Period of Performance from 12 months to 5 months after receipt of order
Functional Area 1: Discovery and Design – 1 Month
Functional Area 2: Development of Digital Product – 3 Months
Functional Area 3: Retrospective – 1 Month
Functional Area 4: Warranty – 90 days
Q: Is this functional area focused on the website design process in itself or the website and its functionality after the launch? When it comes to "What worked, what didn’t, what to do next" is this focused on the website development process or a period of time in the future after the website launch where we would review these questions based upon the new website analytics?
A: The Retrospective would be reviewing after launch.
2) Extend Response Date to 13:00 EST on August 9, 2023 WordPress theme modernization and user interface service updates.