The purpose of this SOURCES SOUGHT NOTICE is to determine the availability, capability, and capacity of potential small businesses (e.g., 8(a), veteran-owned small business, HUBZone small business, small disadvantaged business, and women-owned small business) that can provide specific fee-for-service (FFS) health insurance benefit administration services, including Medicare claims processing and payment services, in support of the “traditional” Medicare program (also known as the Medicare Fee-for-Service, or FFS program) in accordance with the Statement of Work (SOW) provided with this notice as an attachment.
The information obtained through this market research will assist the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) in determining the appropriate acquisition procedures for obtaining the Medicare health insurance benefit services described in the attached SOW. This market research will aid CMS in its determination as to whether a full and open competitive acquisition is appropriate, or if the acquisition should be set aside for small businesses or a specific socio-economic category of small businesses.
Refer to attachments for more information.