Specifications include, but are not limited to: 2.1 Strategy Review & Brief A. Overview of research and discovery to place the website in context of the institution's mission, strengths, challenges, competitors, student body, etc. Define specific goals when it comes to converting the KCKCC site into a coherent, enrollment-focused online presence for the college that also meets other institutional needs. Define specific user cases to help guide the rest of the website development process. B. Provide questions, review and guidance on focus groups and user interface studies with prospective and current students. Focus groups will be conducted by KCKCC staff. C. Optional: Provide user interface studies with students, using appropriate software and research methodology. Deliverables: Website SWOT, Strategy Brief, Research Summary 2.2 Infrastructure Architecture Based on the specific user cases developed in the strategy, workshop an ideal information architecture for the site. This will organize the site's information around the user experience, and define 'what needs to go where' on the site, as well as offer guidance towards what redundant areas can streamlined. Additionally, the IA phase will define the site's navigation structure in a way that aligns with an optimal user experience. Deliverables: IA report defining structure of the website 2.3 Design Review & Implementation Consultation After strategy and IA documentation is delivered to KCKCC, the consultant will review up to 10 wireframe types that the college develops, college design, and provide insight during the design/coding process. Deliverables: Feedback on the designs, wireframes and implementation plan defined by contract hours. 2.4 Facilitation Attend steering committee meetings through the design review process, provide at least 2 on-site visits during the course of the contract. Co-present with the Chief Marketing Officer for Board of Trustees, President’s Cabinet, and/or Dean’s Council during the strategy and design review stages.