Specifications include, but are not limited to: Sinclair Community College (SCC) plans to utilize firms for small to moderate renovation projects, deferred maintenance, utility systems, feasibility studies, code review, planning services, cost estimates, hazardous evaluation and construction projects. A&E firms selected for project support under the prequalification’s will likely work on projects which emphasizes specialized services, detailed design documents, rapid completion times, and complex scheduling with ongoing College activities. The professionals chosen will be expected to work with an appointed Sinclair project manager and appropriated Sinclair staff, in order to address and complete tasks in a prompt and efficient manner. All professionals must be familiar with OFCC documents and requirements; local codes and law, prime contracting, facility life cycle costings, construction law and all state law and regulations which pertain to Sinclair Community College. The professionals chosen will be expected to carry out their work in a College setting which must continue to operate day to day. Work must be interfaced with daily activities of other projects with minimum disruption, while still maintaining a high degree of safety. Professional Design Services will be in the following categories: 1. Full architectural services for small to medium size project 2. Full architectural/engineering services for small to medium size projects emphasizing civil/structural disciplines. 3. Full architectural/engineering services for small to medium size projects emphasizing mechanical/electrical disciplines. 4. Full consulting services for master plan, landscape architectural and graphic design.