Maintenance - Up to 120 hours Provide ongoing maintenance and support services for ARCHIBUS, and any and all business functionality that may be implemented as part of the ODNR's ARCHIBUS installation. Contractor shall provide to the ODNR all software upgrades, modifications, bug fixes, or other improvements in its software that it makes generally available to its customers. ODNR currently owns software licensing for the following items: Web Central - Bundled Package - Capital Budgeting + Project Management Web Central - Asset Management Web Central - Space Inventory & Performance Web Central - Smart Client Extensions for AutoCAD & Revit Web Central - Core Program; Enhancements (Optional) - Up to 120 hours Implement system enhancements/services to expand the use of the ARCHIBUS System into new functional areas, and provide new tools and greater efficiency for current users, such as: Custom Dashboards Customization of Data Input Fields Total Project Cost Tracking & Financial Management Alignment of Document Management with Standard ODNR Engineering & Business Processes Integration with GIS Custom Report Generation Integration with Existing Systems Health Checks Upgrade of the ARCHIBUS System to the current version and to provide for future version updating