Specifications include, but are not limited to: A. All event planning and coordination services must be in accordance with any applicable guidance from the Ohio Office of Budget and Management (OBM). B. The number of events, event locations, and anticipated attendance can vary from year to year. Statewide events are typically held in central Ohio, but events may be held anywhere in the State of Ohio. Annual statewide events may have over 1,000 in attendance. The Agency’s program offices typically begin planning an event six months in advance; however, this planning period can vary. C. The types of events vary and may include, but are not limited to: 1. Multi-day with concurrent sessions spread amongst multiple spaces. 2. International, national, regional, state, or local. 3. Family or community outreach meetings. 4. Workshops, seminars, and training. 5. Curriculum Development. 6. Webinars. D. The Contract is available to all State agencies, State institutions of higher education and properly registered members of the Cooperative Purchasing Program, many with multiple program areas which will likely result in overlapping demands. The Contractor must be prepared to accommodate the simultaneous planning and coordination of multiple events. E. The Contractor must ensure the following functional areas/skill sets are adequately staffed to fulfill the requirements of the Contract in general and the specific needs of the individual events. 1. Executive Manager. Oversees all projects and employees and is the main point of contact for Contract management. 2. Project Manager. Manages individual events, responsible for overseeing planning, and negotiations; may be required to be on-site at any event as designated by the Agency. 3. Assistant Manager. Works with managers to ensure all tasks are on target and communicates with the Agency Contact for each event. Coordinates marketing, communication with attendees, graphic design, software, and printing. 4. Event Coordinator. Logistics contact for décor, design, AV equipment, and set-up of event, coordinates registration needs, manages, and coordinates labor staff for receiving, unloading, loading, moving heavy equipment, exhibits, booths, dismantling, and clean-up. 5. IT/AV Specialist. Works to determine needs for IT and AV equipment, rental, delivery, installation, maintains system operations and provides technical assistance throughout the event. 6. Customer Service/Call Center. Communications resources for attendees including event inquiries and manually processing registrations for those experiencing technical challenges. 7. Creative/Graphic Design. Provides layout and design services for signage, printing, or other media with Agency provided graphics and branding and as required by the Agency. 8. Data Analytics. Manages the registration and tracking of attendees and exhibitors. Maintains data, creates and updates reports. 9. Contract Specialist. Develops and manages agreements for speakers, venues, equipment, etc. The Agency will review and approve the costs. The Contractor will be the responsible party for and signatory to the agreements. 10. Media Marketing. Responsible for media production and media buying services.