Weekly Mass Worship: $66.95 per week ($3,481.40 annually). Conducted once per week, well prepared meaningful periods of worship and congregated activities. Catechism Classes: $51.50 per week ($2,678.00 annually). Conduct religious learning classes. Contractors must plan and organize classes, selected media and forums. Confessions to include TPU and FHC: $61.80 per week ($3,213.60 annually). Provide religious education and/or instructional classes, attend a yearly Religious Service meeting, make referrals of inmates to appropriate services, distribute religious literature and/or materials. Assist Chaplin in appropriate duties and/or conduct religious programs, provide special ministry services including pastoral care and/or visitation. Complete monthly reports and submit them to Deputy Warden of Special Services (DWSS) and DRC Religious Service Administrator, no later than the 5th of the month. Meet with DWSS as needed and attend the Annual Mandatory Contractors Religious Service meeting. If the contractor has US work permit, the permit must be current at the time of the contract is signed; and will be checked every 6 months from the expiration date listed. (With this pay structure-the Contractor agrees to not exceed $9,3763.00 per year)