The City of Cleveland Heights, Ohio is seeking proposals from qualified firms to prepare a Traffic Study for South Taylor Road, from Euclid Heights Boulevard to Meadowbrook Boulevard (approximately 1.5 miles in length). Anticipated Scope of Work The following tasks are provided based on the initial concept of the study, and are not intended to be all inclusive. These tasks may be modified in the individual proposals to reflect a specific approach to the project. Task 1: Kickoff Meeting • Meet with the City to discuss the scope of the project. • Include other stakeholders such as ODOT, NOACA, University Heights. • Review existing and needed data, identify processes to obtain the needed data, and present a schedule for the study that identifies future potential funding opportunities and how they fit into the project timeline. Task 2: Data Collection and Review • Engage ODOT and NOACA to meet to convene a traffic forecasting Early Coordination Meeting, including examining influencing factors. • Identify data that is required for the analysis and determine what has been collected by others and what still needs to be collected. • Obtain additional traffic counts (all modes) for AM and PM peak hours only at all intersections and other significant points along the route; process turning movement video for 7-9 AM and 3-6 PM only. • Obtain, review and compile as-built records, bicycle network maps and planning documents, existing traffic count data, crash data, and other documents to be referenced in the report and included as appendices. • Review modeled results from NOACA4. • Prepare a design traffic forecast using procedures documented in the Ohio Traffic Forecasting Manual for ODOT review. Task 3: Data Analysis • Perform traffic capacity analysis on design traffic volumes approved for use by ODOT at critical locations. • Use the existing and collected data to create a Synchro® compatible model throughout the corridor showing the volume to capacity ratio, queue lengths, delay, intersection level of service (LOS) and other pertinent factors based on existing and projected future conditions. • Identify projected traffic diversions and model anticipated increases along the routes and how traffic might divert if Taylor Road is reduced to one (1) lane in each direction. • Identify any areas of concern where the reduced footprint may not be practical. • Identify options for curb extensions, including drainage considerations. • Evaluate signal operations at all signalized intersections. • Re-evaluate the traffic conditions, signal operations, and potential impacts of the Project on the pick-up and drop-off times at the Hebrew Academy of Cleveland (HAC) located between Berkeley Road and Blanche Avenue.