Specifications include, but are not limited to: The County's new website vendor must be able to provide, at a minimum, the components shown. • Public Record Management and Archive - Upload existing, create new, categorize, approve and manage public meeting notices, agendas, records, etc. • Alerts & Notifications - Display alerts prominently on website with notifications sent via email and text messaging to subscribers • Browser Based Administration - Update, delete and create content from any device with internet access. Different administrators will be defined for each of the elected officials’ offices for content management. • Calendar - Update/publish calendars for departments/categories with a main calendar to display all events • Citizen Communication Tools – Forms for citizen submissions to each department. • Content Scheduling - Set dates for content to automatically publish and expire for news sections, calendar listings • Departmental Home Pages - Ability for different County departments to have dedicated pages within the site that follow the same design as the other interior pages, but have some customization ability • Document Center - Upload/download capability for files up to 1GB, back-end ability to search within published and unpublished documents • Easy Home Page Navigation – The home page should include links to the most popular pages of the website • E-Notifications - Electronic subscription, scheduled notifications for email and SMS. Citizens should be able to subscribe to notifications from different departments separately.