2.6.1 Develop a uniform process for how Agency managers can request stipends for eligible participants of an Agency event. 2.6.2 Review and track eligible participants to ensure no conflict of interest exists according to guidelines set by DAS, such as current employees, close family members of employees, or duplicate submissions for the same household. 2.6.3 PurchaseStored Value Cards to be used as stipends for participation in Agency events. Successful Proposer will have discretion on which businesses it provides Stored Value Cards from, however, must ensure that options exist for businesses operating in rural Oregon. Examples of the types of industry and services that should be considered are: • Gas cards, • Grocery stores, • Retail stores, • Restaurants, and • Other Stored Value Cards as approved by Agency. 2.6.4 Connect with eligible participants to establish their preferred delivery method. Distribute the appropriate Stored Value Card option to participants, based on options available in their region, and in the amount directed by Agency staff. 2.6.5 Maintain a record of which participants received Stored Value Cards, including which event they were compensated for and how much they received.