1. Assign experienced staff immediately upon proposal acceptance and execution of an Agreement to assess SAMTD’s benefits insurance needs and provide recommendations regarding the appropriate types of benefits insurance for SAMTD. a. Assign an Account Manager to SAMTD who will be responsible for communication with SAMTD and who, along with any other team members assigned, must be available on a daily basis to SAMTD for advice and consultation on benefits insurance program related issues and concerns. At all times, the Contractor shall designate a specific point of contact for routine questions and emergency situations for continuous and consistent communication. 2. Create a work plan which incorporates project objectives, timing of deliverables, and decision-making criteria. The project management plan should include a detailed scope of work, project schedule, budget, quality control plan, risk management plan, and customer satisfaction plan incorporating the below items. a. Thorough review of all plan member benefit levels, member contributions, pricing, funding, member communications, resources, processes and procedures (enrollment, billing, etc.), contracts, levels of insurance, claims experiences, plan document review and maintenance, patient advocacy, and claims escalation. b. Meet with key SAMTD stakeholders to learn about the SAMTD organization: culture, member experience, daily operations, organizational challenges, organizational initiatives, and use of technology in support of members. 3. Gather all requisite data from SAMTD for use in development and/or updating of benefits insurance coverage specifications. Effectively review SAMTD’s current benefits policy limits including deductibles, terms and conditions and coordinate yearly recommendations with SAMTD’s Benefits Team. Upon completion of their review, Contractor will present to SAMTD a detailed report on the current status of all Benefits and insurance policies and provide a certification letter to SAMTD outlining their findings, as well as recommendations and overview of the benefits insurance policies. 4. Analyze proposals received from various benefits companies as a member of SAMTD’s Source Evaluation Committee, a. Negotiate with insurance carriers on SAMTD’s behalf to obtain the most favorable rates and premiums available. Ensure any benefits insurance coverage premiums do not include commissions, where possible. b. Represent SAMTD in all negotiations with benefits insurers, underwriters and other parties with regard to the benefits insurance program with input and status with SAMTD personnel. c. Make recommendations as to the most advantageous benefits insurance program providing the highest level of coverage at the best possible price to meet SAMTD’s needs and objectives. Include written recommendations detailing the recommended proposal and course of action. Also provide reasons for not selecting such coverages. d. Assure that Benefits insurance policies are placed with reputable and financially responsible Benefits insurers (based on insurance rating among other criteria), including keeping SAMTD informed of any changes in rating of the benefits insurers and making recommendations should ratings change during the policy term. 5. Assist in procuring and lead the implementation of SAMTD’s chosen benefits package, ensuring there is no lapse in coverage for employees. Assist in providing a smooth transition when necessary. Facilitate meetings with selected vendor(s). This includes assistance developing administrative or claim procedures, reviewing contracts, agreements, and booklets. a. Oversee and coordinate all relevant services performed by benefits insurance companies/underwriters or any service agencies arranged for benefits insurance program related issues and concerns.