The City of Roseburg is seeking a property on which to establish an urban campground. Identify available properties meeting specifications set by City Council. Perform due diligence and provide detailed analysis regarding each property presented related to how it meets Council’s specifications. This may include researching previous uses and any Phase I environmental work that has been completed or may need to be completed. Present cost proposals for purchase and/or lease of property. Work with City staff to determine cost estimates for any required site improvements. Present information regarding potential sites to the City Council. Negotiate on City’s behalf in any proposed land transaction. Engage title company and prepare and provide all necessary documents to make an offer and complete any approved land transaction(s). The City Council has identified some very broad parameters for consideration. Site should be a minimum of 0.5 acres. Site should be located within the Roseburg City Limits. Sites within the Urban Growth Boundary may be considered. Site may be bare land or contain a building or buildings. Site should not be located near schools, sporting complexes, playgrounds or waterways. Site should have a reasonable buffer from residential properties. Initial budget – approximately $600,000 or less.