• Provide all equipment, material, and labor to complete the contract as specified herein. • Prepare steel and apply 3 coat paint system to all steel components of the repair (including pile sleeves if installed). Steel preparation and paint application must meet paint manufacturers recommendations. • Excavation of the roadway adjacent to and underneath the bridge, providing sufficient room to remove and install all components of the repair including the temporary bridge support systems. All materials removed from the roadway become the property and responsibility of the contractor. Removal quantities and payment will be based on in place compacted material removed regardless of truck loads hauled. • Install pre-engineered temporary bridge support system and slightly lift and support the bridge at the bents to be repaired. All materials necessary for the temporary bridge support system shall be provided by the contractor and remain contractor’s property upon project completion. All components utilized for the temporary support system must be removed from the site upon project completion. The temporary support system must be approved by the Clatsop County Engineer prior to project commencement. If drilling holes through the bridge deck is necessary for the temporary support system the holes must be repaired by the contractor utilizing concrete deck repair grout specified on ODOT’s Qualified Product List dated July 2024.