Specifications include, but are not limited to: We are seeking a firm who can support our build of a completely new website on the Hannon Hill platform (we will be retiring our current website completely) by: • creating a complete and in-depth Information Architecture; o Including content mapping; o Include plan for how translation of pages to multiple languages can be incorporated seamlessly; • Create very basic wireframes of recommended templates for different level pages with key UI suggestions that will be necessary to interact with the navigation structure; • Conduct usability testing once the site is built, populated with content, and design implemented; The information architecture building process should also identify content on the current site which should be retained for other audiences but is best moved to various other locations - such as the college’s Intranet or other recommendations, as appropriate - in order to keep the main website streamlined, easy to navigate, and with optimal UX for our primary target audiences. ; • Recommendations for membership of the College’s Website Planning Leadership Team; • Training plan for Website Planning Team; • MHCC.edu Website Planning Process Timeline; • MHCC Website content and usability research, assessment, and engagement plan/timeline; • Original assessment tools or other collateral appropriate for elements of the engagement plan described above; • Results of research, assessment, and engagement activities (e.g. notes and other artifacts); • Comprehensive MHCC.edu Information Architecture provided to the college in accessible electronic format (e.g., MS Word and PDF).; • High level wireframes and templates for different level pages within the website design; • Communication plan for launch of the website; • Usability Testing results once site is built and content is created and in staging in the templates