It is the intent of this contract to manually and mechanically masticate (chop, mulch, or shred) mountain laurel and other undesirable species under 6” or 8” DBH in specified areas on the Allegheny National Forest. The densities of laurel shrub in the project area varies across the acres to be treated. Only by on-the-ground examination can prospective contractors determine what can be done with a machine and what would need to be manually treated. Manually treated areas would include intermittent stream buffer areas or dry drainages (10 feet buffer) or areas not able to be reached with the mechanized equipment. The areas to be treated are in forested stands where there may be downed woody material or rocks.
No pre-quote meeting will be held. Contractors are responsible for viewing the project sites before quoting on this project.
All questions should be sent to Ashley Stoltzfus at on or before 5pm on 06/12/2024. A Q&A document will be posted on SAM on 06/13/2024.