Sources Sought Notice for PID #: N64498-24-RFPREQ-PD-42-0057
Caterpillar Defense (CAT) Diesel Engine Lifecycle Support
This Sources Sought is in support of Market Research being conducted by the United States Navy to identify potential sources, and to issue a Request for Information (RFI) from all businesses capable of providing lifecycle, modernization and in-service support for the engine lines listed in Appendix 1 and their related shipboard auxiliary and support systems. The support required will involve technical, logistics, training, administrative and program management efforts related to diesel engine lifecycle and in-service concerns. The contractor shall provide all services, personnel, facilities, expertise, technical information, special tools, supplies and incidental materials necessary to execute the performance requirements detailed in this SOW.
Incumbent – This work is currently being performed under contract N64498-20-D-4035 by:
Caterpillar Defense (CAGE: 11083)
501 SW Jefferson St Peoria, IL, 61629
The purpose of this Sources Sought is to obtain feedback to determine if any alternative vendors have the capability to provide the engineering and technical services contained in the subject Sources Sought and fully meet the proposed requirements.
Please provide the following with your submission:
1. Company Name and CAGE
2. Company Contact Information (Address, Phone Number, email)
3. Company size (e.g. small business, large business, or small disadvantaged business)
4. A complete description of the offeror’s capabilities (including technical, program management, prototyping, etc.) related experience, facilities, techniques, or unique combination of factors that would directly relate to the Government’s objectives as stated in the attached draft Statement of Work (SOW), The qualifications, capabilities, and experiences of Contractor employees, who would be available to support this effort, Demonstrated ability to obtain security clearances at the time of contract award for all personnel expected to provide support in accordance with the above requirement; A summary of previous corporate experience relevant to the SOW obtained within at least the last five years together with applicable Government contract numbers and Government technical and contract points of contact with current telephone numbers