Procuring Agency
The General Services Administration (GSA), Mid-Atlantic Region 3, Public Building Services (PBS), Acquisition Management Division, is issuing this Request for Proposal (RFP) for a General Contractor for the Weis US Courthouse Relocation Project in Pittsburgh, PA. The contract is being set aside completely for Small Businesses.
Project Synopsis
GSA has identified a need for Construction Services for a Project at the Joseph F. Weis United States Courthouse (Weis Courthouse) located at 550 Grant Street, in Pittsburgh, PA. The Weis Courthouse was built in 1934, consisting of approximately 825,000 GSF, 14-storey (10 floors, plus 3 basement levels, 5 mechanical mezzanine levels and 2 penthouse areas that also house mechanical equipment). The building is a contributing building in the Pittsburgh Central Downtown Historic District and is listed in the National Register of Historic Places. The project includes the interior renovation with demolition of approximately 59,000 GSF of office space on the first, second, fifth, and tenth floors of the Weis Courthouse, including restoring select exterior windows on the first floor. Building egress stairwells, elevator shafts, and public restrooms are not part of this renovation, unless specifically noted.
The scope of work includes demolition, renovation, and associated infrastructure work, including but not limited to mechanical, electrical, plumbing, fire protection, and limited structural work to support the following spaces: New Courtrooms, Judges Chambers, Circuit Library, Private Offices, open work areas, training rooms, huddle rooms, small and large conference rooms, breakrooms, and private bathrooms. The NAICS code for the construction work is 236220 – “Commercial and Institutional Building Construction.
Project Location
Weis US Courthouse Relocation Project
Joseph F. Weis, Jr. U.S. Courthouse
700 Grant Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15219-1906
Disclosure of Magnitude of Construction Projects
The estimated total construction cost for the project is more than $10,000,000.
Competitive Procedures
This procurement will be competed utilizing full and open competition in accordance with FAR 6.203. Competitive proposals will be requested in accordance with FAR 15 “Contracting by Negotiations.”
Selection Procedures
GSA is using a two-phased process. GSA is first releasing, on July 27, 2022, a 75% design package that contains sufficient detail to allow it to solicit Phase 1 technical proposals only, and not price. Upon completion of the evaluation of the Phase I technical proposals, an advisory shortlist will be developed. All offerors will be notified as to whether their firm was included on or excluded from the advisory shortlist. Exclusion from the advisory shortlist shall not preclude offerors from submitting a Phase II price proposal. Once the 100% design documents are complete, GSA will solicit Phase II Price proposals from the firms that submitted Phase 1 technical proposals.
The award will be made utilizing the tradeoff process prescribed in FAR 15.101-1. The objective of the Source Selection Process is to select a proposal that represents the best value to the Government. The award will be made to the responsible Offeror whose proposal conforms to the solicitation and offers the best value to the Government, considering the price and non-price factors. For this procurement, the technical factors will be substantially more important than price (FAR 15.101-1, Trade Offs). The technical factors will include:
- Project Management and Approach
- Prior Experience on Relevant Projects
- Past Performance on Relevant Projects
GSA requires a bid guarantee in accordance with FAR 52.228-1 with each offeror’s proposal.
GSA requires Performance and Payment Bonds prior to the issuance of the Notice to Proceed.
Procurement Schedule
The Pre-Proposal Conference is Scheduled for Tuesday, August 9, 2022 at 10:00 am Eastern. Offerors may attend as follows: a) Video call link:; or b) dial: (US) +1 415-604-0691 PIN: 376 230 001#
The conference will be held at the Joseph F. Weis, Jr. U.S. Courthouse, 700 Grant Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15219-1906 in the cafeteria, which is located at the Northern end of the building on the first level. Parking at the building is prohibited. Participants must arrive at the main entrance and go through security.
Participants must pre-register for the pre-proposal conference by 4pm Eastern August 8, 2022, if they wish to bring in laptops and phones. Contact Paul Lindinger at Include the names of the attendees, name of firm and contact information.
GSA will conduct a site-visit walk through immediately following the pre-proposal conference.
RFIs for Phase 1 are due by 4pm Eastern August 19, 2022. RFIs/questions must be submitted via email to the following individuals:
Phase 1 Proposals (technical proposals only) are due by 4pm Eastern September 7, 2022 -- emailed to and
Interviews (if required) on or about – Week of September 19, 2022 or the following week.
Award Date on or about March 3, 2023
Architect/Engineer Firm
DLR Group Inc.
419 7th Street, NW, 2nd Floor
Washington, DC 20004
Period of Performance
The period of performance from the issuance of the Notice to Proceed to substantial completion is 28 months.
Small Business Set Aside and applicable NAICS Code
The award is a complete set-aside for small business concerns pursuant to FAR 6.203. The applicable NAICS code is 236220, Commercial and Institutional Building Construction, and the small business size standard is $39.5 million.
Interested Parties/How to Offer
This Solicitation is only be available electronically. through, a secure website designed to safeguard sensitive but unclassified (SBU) acquisition material. Potential offerors are responsible for downloading the solicitation and for monitoring the website for possible amendments and/or additional information. Potential offerors must register on website to have access to solicitation material. For additional registration information, visit the website.
To ensure that you receive all information regarding this solicitation, please register to receive updates at, and follow the procedures for notification registration.