The City of Philadelphia (the “City”) by and through the Department of Parks and Recreation is issuing this Request for Proposals (the “RFP”) with the intent to award to the most qualified Respondents (hereinafter called “Concessionaires”) offering the “Best Value” in accordance with § 8-200 and § 8-201 of the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter and accompanying Regulations, for the right to select a diverse group of food vendors to sell a variety of food selections in JFK Plaza, (also known as “Love Park”), and other potential locations under the jurisdiction of Parks and Recreation (hereinafter as (“Other Locations”), throughout the concession agreement term (the “Food Service Program”). Firms or individuals interested in responding to this RFP must submit a proposal (the “Proposal”). Terms not otherwise defined in this RFP shall have meanings set forth in the Regulations Governing Concessions Other Than Awarding of Contracts to the Highest Responsible Bidder, promulgated by the City’s Procurement Department effective February 2, 2018 (“Best Value Regulation”).