3.1 The County will consider alternative space design provided the following minimums are met: 3.1.1 Courtroom with judicial bench and open area witness stand. At least 800 square feet. 3.1.2 Magisterial District Judge office of approximately 12’ x 12’ size. 3.1.3 Open space format for clerical staff of at least seven (7). 3.1.4 Waiting room of approximately 8’ x 8’ size. 3.1.5 Secure storage area of at least 600 square feet. 3.1.6 Lobby with counter area (approximate 20’ x 15’) and riot or safety glass at the teller windows to include shelving on the office side underneath the counter area. 3.1.7 Meeting / Conference Room of approximate 10’ x 8’ size. 3.1.8 Electronically locked door between the public and business areas, with a release device located at the front counter and desks. 3.1.9 Space must be available 24 hours per day. 3.2 The actual configuration shall be presented by the bidder and shall substantially conform to the above requirements. The County reserves the right to request changes to a proposed configuration. 3.3 The office shall be freshly painted, carpeted (except vinyl flooring in the reception area), contain window blinds and clean ceiling tiles. 3.4 If a lease is being proposed, the office space shall be ready for occupancy and all changes, improvements, renovations, and re-configurations shall be the responsibility and the cost of the bidder. In the event of a purchase, all changes, improvements, renovations, and re-configurations shall be the responsibility and the cost of the County.