Training and Education command (TECOM) is requesting for a vendor to host and facilitate a Marine Corps JROTC National Raider Competition at location suitable for participation of 180 cadets and 45 instructors. Employment of a multitude of military based leadership exercises in an unfamiliar environment for trainees; utilizing specialized apparatus, equipment, and techniques to impart these qualities on the cadets in outdoor environment. Specific activities include: Marine Corps Style Leadership Instruction, Climbing, Rappelling, Zip-Lining, Leadership Reaction Course (built from USMC plans), Low Ropes Course, High Ropes Course, Climbing Challenge Course, Team Based Obstacle Course, Backpacking/Overnight Hike, and Caving. Facility must provide trained staff for all the components of this unique competition to adhere to the MCJORTC's Standard Operating Procedures. Vendor is to provide lodging and catering services for 180 cadets and 45 instructors during the period of performance (Breakfast, lunch and dinner). Transportation is also to be arranged by vendor from Pittsburg Airport to the training grounds upon cadet and MCJORTC instructor arrival, from the training grounds to Pittsburg Airport upon the end of the training camp, and to and from the National Flight 93 Memorial during the training period of performance. Vendor location is to be within 100 miles of Pittsburg Airport.