Specifications include, but are not limited to: (a) The Department intends to select the most responsive and responsible Respondents. A responsive and responsible Respondent is one who best meets the Department’s requirements, objectives and qualifications criteria set forth in this RFP, which may result in an award to a Concessionaire who does not propose the highest Concession Fee. Upon execution of the Concession Agreement by the Department and the successful Respondent, the successful Respondent will become the “Concessionaire” under the Concession Agreement. The Concession Agreement will give the Concessionaire an exclusive right (the “Concession”) to operate and manage the awarded Concession Area, and to exercise the rights and perform the duties described in this RFP and the Concession Agreement. (b) In this RFP, “Concession Area” is defined as a group of self-contained food and beverage service operations, located at the Dell, which is used to store, prepare, display, and serve food and beverages intended for individual portion service. The Concession Stand: a Concession Stand used solely for the sale of alcoholic beverages known as the “Dell Bar” and four (4) smaller stands, which measure approximately 10’x 18’ each. All Concession Stands are located at the front entrance of the Dell, with the exception of the Dell Bar, which is located at mid-level withing the Venue. Mobile carts will not be permitted. Concessionaire may engage in hawking during designed times. (c) Concession Stands 1 through 5 will operate the same and as one unit. A list of suggested products is attached to this RFP as Appendix C. (d) Storage space is very limited. If Concessionaire needs more storage space, then available Concessionaire shall arrange for off-site storage at Concessionaire’s sole cost and expense. Must have pre-approval from venue management for type of container and location. (e) The Concessionaire is required to operate during all scheduled concert show/event dates, which include the Essence of Entertainment Concert Series and any outside promoted Concerts or Events scheduled before, during, or after the regular season. All concerts are rain or shine, unless otherwise noted. Concert cancellation or delay due to inclement weather shall be at the sole discretion of the City. The city is not liable for any losses sustained by Concessionaire for cancelled shows/events. A list of scheduled shows/events and dates is attached as Appendix B. (f) The Concessionaire may have the opportunity from time to time to provide vending services at special events occurring at the Dell. Special Events vending opportunities are not guaranteed; however, the Department shall give Concessionaire the option to vend at certain special events for an additional fee (Special Events Fee). The Special Events Fee will be 10% of gross revenue.