Specifications include, but are not limited to: The Company shall provide and service approximately 19 snack vending machines. The machines shall be located on the Main Campus, 10 machines (Buildings 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 12, and 14); Public Safety Training Institute , 1 machine; Joseph A. Paglianite Culinary Institute, 1 machine; Francis S. and Mary Gill Carrozza, R.N. Health Sciences Center, 1 machine; Berwick Center, 1 machine; Greater Susquehanna Center, 1 machine; Hazleton Center, 1 machine; Pittston Center, 1 machine, Scranton Center, 1 machine; and Wilkes-Barre Center, 1 machine. No beverages are to be dispensed from any vending machines. Two (2) change machines are needed on the Main Campus. The commission rate you are willing to pay should be based on a percentage of sales. A minimum 10% commission rate or suitable rebate program is expected to be paid to the College monthly.