Specifications include, but are not limited to: The Beaufort County School District (“Owner”, “District”) is pleased to invite professional architectural design firms to submit qualifications in response to this Request for Qualifications (“RFQ”). The scope of this work will focus on the District’s FY 2023 (summer 2022) renovation and modification projects. Projects may also include outstanding tasks identified in the Owner’s Referendum Project list, current 5-Year Capital Plan, 5-year Capital Plan from previous budget years, as well as other new projects identified and approved during the contract term. The Owner may, at its option, award this contract to one or multiple firms based on the volume of work and the submittals. It is anticipated that this work will be awarded to 4 firms. Each selected firm should be prepared to complete $5-$20 million in work over the school year. The owner may, at its option, elect to extend this contract for an additional year to include similar projects for FY 2024 (summer of 2023).