Specifications include, but are not limited to: The electronic collection of bad checks presented to the Beaufort County School District both at the District office and the schools: 1. Services are to be provided at no cost to the Beaufort County School District. 2. Reimbursement for the face value of the check is to be guaranteed up to $2,500.00. 3. Funds are to be electronically credited to the District/School. 4. All collection attempts are to be handled by the proposer awarded this RFQ. 5. The Service Provider agrees to pay the District $1.00 rebate per each check that is collected electronically. 6. If a check is returned that the District or school would rather handle internally, the check may be requested back via email or telephone at any time by approved contact persons with no fees to be incurred by the District. 7. District’s accounts are to be credited back any NSF fees when permitted by state law and if the fee is recovered.