Specifications include, but are not limited to: A. Clear and remove all overgrown vegetation that is within 5 feet of fence line. B. Remove two-hundred fifty (250) feet of existing chain link fencing material and dispose of offsite. C. Furnish and install new ten foot (10’) high perimeter fence panels (PFP) plus barbed/razor wire material according to the specifications listed below. D. Install new line posts every six feet (6’) on center – 2 7 /8” Schedule 40 set in 12” x 48” footing. E. Install green privacy slats in new chain link fence for privacy and to match surrounding fence. F. Top and mid rail - 1 5 /8” Schedule 40. G. Bottom tension wire 9 gauge smooth. H. Install three strands of barbed wire and finish with razor wire. I. Maintain a safe working environment to prevent injuries to CHP personnel or damage to CHP property. J. The Contractor, at no expense to the State of California, will repair any damage caused by the Contractor or any of his/her workers.