Specifications include, but are not limited to: The Los Angeles Unified School District (District or LAUSD) seeks proposals from qualified firms to provide Drug and Alcohol Testing Services; Collection sites and mobile collection unit for pre-employment, random, post-accident, District policy and reasonable suspicion drug testing specimen collection (estimated at 1,000 tests per year) and random, post-accident, and reasonable suspicion breath alcohol testing (estimated at 900 tests per year). Laboratory analysis of primary specimen (estimated at 1,000 per year). Laboratory analysis of split specimen (estimated at fewer than 10 per year). Medical Review Officer (MRO) review of drug test results (estimated at 1,000 per year). Random selection (multiple random testing pools with approximately 1,750 employees total). Blind sample submittal. Litigation support and expert witness testimony. Supervisor Training, DOT-mandated initial and Reasonable Suspicion training (estimated at 12 sessions per year; 60 attendees per session) and refresher (as requested). Locations to be determined by District at any existing District office, school, maintenance yard or other District designated location. Statistical and other reports such as the Annual Summary Report and Semi-Annual Lab Report to meet California Highway Patrol Motor Carrier Inspection Requirements. Recordkeeping and confidentiality. Contractor must provide secure online access to allow District to retrieve test results, MRO reports, annual summaries, biannual summaries and other testing information online. Contractor must provide support (clarification, documentation, statements, etc.) when the District is preparing for and undergoing an audit. Annual training for employees covered by the testing program (estimated 1 session per year; 100 attendees per session.