Specifications include, but are not limited to: This formal request is for a professional firm to provide full services as described in the contract documents for a campus masterplan and the design of a new PK-5 elementary school. This project will be located on property already owned by Beaufort County School District and known as the May River High School property in Bluffton, SC. This property is located at 601 New Riverside Rd and is identified on the Beaufort County tax maps as parcel R610 044 000 0125 0000. May River High School is currently located on this parcel. May River High School occupies approximately 80 acres of a 225-acre campus. Attached you will find the Overall Site Plan for the New Riverside High School that included a masterplan with the location of a future 800 student elementary school and a future 1,000 student middle school. This masterplan will need to be updated by the architect working with the Owner to make sure the masterplan meets the current needs of BCSD