Specifications include, but are not limited to: The Department of California Highway Patrol (CHP) is soliciting bids from firms that are able to provide Portable Chemical Toilet Services. furnish all supplies, materials, tools, equipment, labor, personnel, and supervision; pay all taxes, insurance, bonds, license and permit fees, and all other direct and indirect costs necessary to provide Portable Chemical Toilet Services ; All services shall be provided during normal working hours (Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., excluding State holidays) on dates and times mutually agreed upon between CHP on-site contact and Contractor. A. Contractor shall provide two (2) ADA portable toilets unit, one at Northbound and one at Southbound. B. Contractor shall comply with requirements of the Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards (UFAS) in that a wheelchair accessible portable toilet unit be placed on-site at each location. C. Contractor shall provide the portable chemical toilet, all necessary chemicals and servicing to ensure they are clean and serviceable. Include one (1) containment tray per toilet in accordance to size of toilet. Containment tray must meet toilet manufacturer specifications. D. Servicing shall be performed three (3) times per week. E. All quotations for additional services not covered under this agreement are to be provided to the state at no cost by Contractor. F. Contractor shall keep wash stations and portable toilets in good, clean, and safe operating condition, including washing all portable toilets inside and out (walls, floors, toilet seats, and ceilings) using AquaKem cleaner or equivalent to ensure proper sanitation. 1. 3’-0” minimum width by 6’-8” minimum height. (CBC 1133B.2.2) 2. Shall be capable of opening at least 90-degrees with a minimum clear width of 32-inches for exit way. (ADA 404.2.3 and CBC 1133B.2.2) 3. Shall be lockable and operable with one hand requiring no tight grasping, pinching, or twisting of the wrist. (ADA 309.4 and CBC 1008.1.9.1) 4. Door opening hardware shall be centered between 34-inches and 48-inches above finished floor. (ADA 404.2.7 and CBC 1008.1.9.2) 5. Force to activate door hardware shall not exceed 5 lbs. (ADA 309.4 and CBC 1008.1.3) 6. Bottom of door shall have a 10-inch high smooth, uninterrupted surface the full width of push side of door. Any cavities created by adding kick plates shall be capped. (ADA 404.2.10 and CBC1133B.2.6) 7. Door shall swing outward. 8. Raised threshold and floor level changes greater than ¼-inch shall be beveled with a slope no greater than 1:2. (CBC 1008.1.7 and CBC 1133B.2.4.1)