Specifications include, but are not limited to: A. Retrofit existing counter to accommodate new level 3 ballistic glass. B. Install new level 3 ballistic glass panels with matching level 3 aluminum framing in lobby. C. Install new level 3 bullet resistant door and paint as needed. D. Install electronic door entry device. E. Install stainless steel pass-through trays at the openings in glass cutouts, and voice holes in glass. F. Install Kevlar sheeting around entire lobby walls to prevent bullet penetration. G. Furnish all new framing materials to support the glass panels and door as necessary. H. Ensure all framing members are attached to the roof structure above the ceiling for structural support of the new wall panels and door. I. Contractor shall warranty all work, labor, and material for a period of two years. J. Remove all debris, including packaging material off-site on a daily basis. K. All work shall be in compliance with the 2010 Americans with Disabilities Act Standards for Accessible Design, 2019 California Title 24, and Title 19 CCR, Public Safety and State Fire Marshal Regulations.