Specifications include, but are not limited to: A) Gas Powered Golf Cars: Forty (40) new two person gas powered golf cars equipped as follows: 1) Color: Platinum with grey seat 2) USB port 3) Closed loop fuel injected system 4) Brushless DC internal starter generator 5) Windshield 6) Cooler 7) Two sand bottles 8) Sun canopy (top), black 9) Windshield fold down 10) CVT drive train 11) 150cc engine (12 mph top speed) 12) Electronic fuel injection (closed loop) 13) Internal starter generators B) Acceptable Models 1) Models and manufacturers pre-approved for bidding include: i. EZGO EX1 GAS (2023) 2) All requests for substitution shall be made at least two (2) days prior to the bid date. i. Requests for substitution shall include manufacturer’s literature for the proposed model including full specifications. C) Vendor must specify how long until these vehicles will arrive. The City would like them within 30 days or as soon as possible.