Specifications include, but are not limited to: 2) Shuttles do not operate on holidays and are suspended from to time due to inclement weather. 3) From 4:30am-9am and 3pm-7:30pm, shuttles operate on a continual cycle. 4) From 9am-3pm and 7:30pm-12:30am vendor will utilize TapRide on demand campus service to provide rides. Equipment and service is provided by KUMC at no cost to vendor. 5) Vendor is to provide passenger counts by hour of day on a monthly basis by day of week. 6) Each shuttle will be equipped with a “drive-cams” or similar product to record events and to be produced upon request to KUMC. 7) Shuttles will utilize KUMC radios to communicate as necessary to other shuttles as well as the KUMC police dispatch. Radios will be provided by KUMC at no cost to the vendor. 8) Drivers are to be in company uniform and be provided a KUMC ID badge which is to be on their person when working. Said ID badge will provide access to certain buildings for restroom breaks. 9) A data line will be provided by KUMC at no cost to the vendor to for connectivity to payroll system if required. 10) All expenses, other than that for TapRide, Radios, ID Badges, and the data line which are provided by KUMC, will be the responsibility of the vendor. 11) KUMC requires 14-16 passenger capacity shuttles.