Specifications include, but are not limited to: The proposed “C. Reiss Dock” is a development adjacent to the Saint Louis Estuary in Superior, WI. The purpose of the project is to redevelop an abandoned and contaminated industrial shipping and receiving dock in the Port of Superior to provide waterfront, rail, and site improvements and restore its navigational use. The project will involve dredging contaminated sediment from the existing slip (work by others) and dispersing material within the Site area, containing this material within proposed berms to be capped per WDNR and USACE regulatory requirements. In addition to the earth moving and capping work, the site improvements include repairing the existing dock wall, construction of a rail line, office building, maintenance garage, parking lot, and necessary access roads and utilities for Site operation. The Project will also consist of several permanent stormwater BMPs, including a wet pond with forebay, grassed swales, and designated dewatering areas to achieve post construction performance standards for water quality, as well as provide a functional draining site to accommodate the future site’s function.