Specifications include, but are not limited to: By 6/30/23, recruit participants and facilitate focus group meetings of current MMSD student services staff of color (up to approximately 15 individuals) to answer the following questions within a representative, safe affinity space: 1) What brought you to MMSD? 2) What keeps you at MMSD? 3) What recommendations do you have for the department and district to improve job satisfaction and professional and personal wellness for student services staff of color within MMSD? By 6/30/23, conduct exit interviews with with student services staff of color who have left MMSD within the past year and/or are planning to leave prior to the start of the 2023-2024 school year in a representative, safe affinity space to answer the following questions: 1) Why are you leaving MMSD? 2) What would have helped you to continue working within MMSD? 3) Under what conditions would you consider returning to MMSD? By 7/31/23, provide a report of recommendations informed by focus group results that MMSD’s Department of Student and Staff Supports can determine how to implement in order to: 1) Recruit more staff of color into student services positions 2) Retain more staff of color within student services positions