Specifications include, but are not limited to: The requirement for this service is to conduct annual inspections, preventive maintenance, and emergency services of all the Departments emergency backup generators and fire pumps to minimize the incidence of failure during emergency situations. Miscellaneous and Emergency Repairs are required under the awarded contract, and may be requested on a 24-hour, 7 day per week basis, in which the Contractor shall provide these services, upon request, to all the generators and fire pumps. Provider shall contact the facility and provide a 2-day notice for Annual scheduled inspections and preventive maintenance for generators and fire pumps. Every effort will be made to accommodate the Provider’s scheduled service call. Scheduled service calls must be scheduled during normal work hours at the facility (7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. local time). No scheduled service calls shall be scheduled for State or Federal holidays. Any maintenance that needs to be done on equipment that requires special licenses per manufacture can be sub-contracted, if need be, with prior approval from the Department.