Specifications include, but are not limited to: Contractor shall provide all labor, materials, tools, and equipment necessary to perform 24-hour intrusion alarm monitoring, annual inspections and testing services of the existing facility intrusion alarm system. The contract will consist of the following: 1. 24-hour monitoring of the intrusion alarm system through Underwriter Laboratory (UL) listed central monitoring station. 2. Document and provide a list of the make, model and serial number of the intrusion alarm equipment to CHP Facilities Coordinator. 3. Provide annual intrusion alarm system inspection/testing, including all devices. Test results to be sent to the CHP on-site contract at the California Highway Patrol, Attention: Sergeant Phil Han, 437 North Vermont, Los Angeles, CA 9004 as the CHP Facilities Coordinator, California Highway Patrol, P.O. Box 942989, Sacramento, CA 94298. 4. Contractor will be required to call the on-site area office facility contract or designee and make an appointment to perform inspection/testing at least three (3) days in advance. Contractor will check in with CHP on-site contract or designee upon arrival and check out when the work is completed. 5. Contractor shall not lock-out system with any special code. Must be left default.